National DfE Behaviour Hub

Since its inception in 2021, we have supported 17 secondary schools outside of our Trust across the country. The purpose of the Behaviour Hub programme is to enable schools and multi-academy trusts (MATs) with exemplary behaviour cultures and practices to work with partner schools that want and need to improve behaviour culture in their schools. The aim of the programme is to improve cultures in schools by taking a whole school approach and embedding a clear, sustainable behaviour ethos throughout the school. How students behave in school is strongly linked to attainment and other outcomes. The programme is based on the principles and ideas outlined in Tom Bennett’s 2017 review of behaviour in schools: Creating a culture: how school leaders can optimise behaviour.


· Ofsted gradings were increased or matched in many of the schools as a consequence of the contributions of the programme. Waverley, Ellowes Hall, KEVI Balham Wood, Whitecross, Trinity, and Tamworth TEC are notable achievements.

· The programme has been used to galvanise leaders in Magnificat schools and our partner school, Saint john Wall. Saint Benedict’s, Trinity and of course, Saint Augustine’s have been trained as behaviour advisers and allocated. Two former behaviour advisers have secured headships, while one is a current principal in the organisation.

· Cultures have been refocused and different approached adopted. This can be best exemplified in Trinity Ofsted Monitoring visit in December 2023 and the full inspection of Whitecross.

· Leadership in schools have been enhanced by working through the extensive resources in the programme and by the support of our behaviour advisers. Correspondingly, experiences and skills set have been developed resulting in leaders being prepared for future principal positions.

· Quantitative data beyond P8, is limited with regards to the impact on suspensions, cultures and PXs, but the STA Behaviour Hub Lead is working on am impact study to be published in Autumn 2024.