The Magnificat has been continually asked by the DfE Regions Group to deploy our NLEs/ System leaders (Tony Quinn/ Tom Leverage) and the School Improvement Team to support schools and leaders to identify short term improvement actions and priorities to ensure sustainable improvement in the long term. The focus on systems and processes ties in with the work in the Behaviour Hubs and previous Teaching School deployments.
· Cardinal Wiseman Coventry and Trinity have benefitted from substantial support through the TSIO; for the former, Ofsted graded the school ‘good’ in all areas (2022), a journey from serious weaknesses in 2014 while the latter is at a different stage of its journey but has joined the Magnificat and enjoyed a positive monitoring inspection in December 2023.
· Woodfield and Batchley have benefited from the deployment of primary system leaders from the Magnificat School Improvement Team to establish clear outlines of expected standards to benefit the children of these school communities.
· DfE TSIO Co-op - part of universal review of behaviour in 9 Co-op academies in June - September 2023 - commissioned by the CEO of the Trust. The Trust deployed the two NLEs and also the School Improvement Lead to undertake full behaviour/culture reviews of 9 Co-op Academies in Leeds, Manchester, The Wirral and Stoke. There was considerable learning impacts from both Trusts. The Co-op received detailed feedback (9 individual reports and a collective summary) that informed on leadership, strategies for the development of staff and comprehensive advice on Behaviour for Outcomes which is the next stage in many the schools’ journeys. The Magnificat witnessed the impressive care and dedication to extremely vulnerable children that most of the schools serve and the consistency of the Co-op Values in all the schools. The experience was so beneficial to all involved.